NAct1st Off Track Again
(too old to reply)
2024-07-07 01:10:29 UTC

A good analysis of the unfocussed craziness of the current government
that doesn't want to spend any money unless it makes donors more
wealthy. I am not sure how local governments can be forced to demand
costs for subdivisions they don't want but are required to offer that
are anything less than full costs including roads, 3 waters,
footpaths, power infrastructure and generous natural reserves - but
with a few contingency reserves added that should be enough for
Councils to be able to discourage unwanted development.

The government is determined not to spend any more money than it can
get away with for social housing - in fact it wants government owned
social housing to provide a good return on capital! It achieved a
"Profit" in the Key/English years from selling off quite a few and
passing that money on to government as a "dividend" - leaving New
Zealand with 1500 fewer state owned houses when they were replaced
than had been there when Key was first elected.

They can't even see a track let alone put a foot on it . . .
2024-07-07 01:22:19 UTC
Post by Rich80105
Only you would post an artcile from such a shady and untrustworthy publication.
Post by Rich80105
A good analysis of the unfocussed craziness of the current government
that doesn't want to spend any money unless it makes donors more
wealthy. I am not sure how local governments can be forced to demand
costs for subdivisions they don't want but are required to offer that
are anything less than full costs including roads, 3 waters,
footpaths, power infrastructure and generous natural reserves - but
with a few contingency reserves added that should be enough for
Councils to be able to discourage unwanted development.
The government is determined not to spend any more money than it can
get away with for social housing - in fact it wants government owned
social housing to provide a good return on capital! It achieved a
"Profit" in the Key/English years from selling off quite a few and
passing that money on to government as a "dividend" - leaving New
Zealand with 1500 fewer state owned houses when they were replaced
than had been there when Key was first elected.
They can't even see a track let alone put a foot on it . . .
You don't know what a track is!
2024-07-07 20:47:25 UTC
Post by Rich80105
A good analysis of the unfocussed craziness of the current government
that doesn't want to spend any money unless it makes donors more
wealthy. I am not sure how local governments can be forced to demand
costs for subdivisions they don't want but are required to offer that
are anything less than full costs including roads, 3 waters,
footpaths, power infrastructure and generous natural reserves - but
with a few contingency reserves added that should be enough for
Councils to be able to discourage unwanted development.
The government is determined not to spend any more money than it can
get away with for social housing - in fact it wants government owned
social housing to provide a good return on capital! It achieved a
"Profit" in the Key/English years from selling off quite a few and
passing that money on to government as a "dividend" - leaving New
Zealand with 1500 fewer state owned houses when they were replaced
than had been there when Key was first elected.
They can't even see a track let alone put a foot on it . . .
While I share concerns about how the Government's housing plans will
work, I don't care for pointless speculation based entirely (it seems)
on political ideology (an ideology that if it did not come from Labour
or the Greens, it will never work/is doomed to be a disaster.

It is worth remembering that so far everything the Government has
actually got started on has been well-signaled in the coalition
agreements. Those ideologically opposed to our Government therefore
have to look hard to find something to object to.
Crash McBash