The Pharmac Fiasco
(too old to reply)
2024-07-06 04:40:52 UTC

A good comment below the article, pointing out the perverse incentives
used by surgeons to ensure a steady flow of private paying patients.

also key to a better future is whether Pharmac does get better funded
- from the article :
"The Labour Opposition joined the chorus pointing out the Coalition
Government was failing to keep its election promises. Curiously,
during the election campaign Labour failed to get across that the
Ardern-Hipkins Labour Government had markedly increased Pharmac
funding by more than 70 percent (excluding that for Covid), while
Pharmac funding under the Key-English Government was near stagnant.
The National-led Government's recent policy announcement represents a
major break from the earlier National Government."

Let us hope that NAct1st do put some more money into Pharmac next year
. . .
2024-07-06 06:40:04 UTC
Post by Rich80105
A good comment below the article, pointing out the perverse incentives
used by surgeons to ensure a steady flow of private paying patients.
also key to a better future is whether Pharmac does get better funded
"The Labour Opposition joined the chorus pointing out the Coalition
Government was failing to keep its election promises. Curiously,
during the election campaign Labour failed to get across that the
Ardern-Hipkins Labour Government had markedly increased Pharmac
funding by more than 70 percent (excluding that for Covid), while
Pharmac funding under the Key-English Government was near stagnant.
The National-led Government's recent policy announcement represents a
major break from the earlier National Government."
Let us hope that NAct1st do put some more money into Pharmac next year
. . .
No fiasco - simply an honest correction by a government that admits its
mistakes unlike the last one.
