16yo death -- vaccines not mentioned
(too old to reply)
Willy Nilly
2024-07-01 00:36:23 UTC
16yo college boy dies overnight of the "flu":

Absolutely tragic and unbelievable. The heartbroken mother says
"As you can imagine we just don't understand and cannot believe he is
"We just don't understand how this can happen to a boy who was barely
ever sick and was very healthy".
"It is an incredibly hard and devastating time for us."
"Life will never be the same without my gorgeous 16-year-old boy."

The article makes no attempt to explain the death, and how could they?
This sort of thing is totally unprecedented -- or *was* unprecedented
before the covid vaccines. Now we have sudden inexplicable deaths all
the time. The vaccine undermines body vitality and immunity in a
thousand ways, death comes suddenly to many.

My question would be, how many covid vaccines did he have? This most
essential question is the one that is never reported and which we are
not allowed to ask. What is certain is that he was not unvaxxed.
2024-07-01 02:40:13 UTC
Post by Willy Nilly
Absolutely tragic and unbelievable. The heartbroken mother says
"As you can imagine we just don't understand and cannot believe he is
"We just don't understand how this can happen to a boy who was barely
ever sick and was very healthy".
"It is an incredibly hard and devastating time for us."
"Life will never be the same without my gorgeous 16-year-old boy."
The article makes no attempt to explain the death, and how could they?
This sort of thing is totally unprecedented -- or *was* unprecedented
before the covid vaccines. Now we have sudden inexplicable deaths all
the time. The vaccine undermines body vitality and immunity in a
thousand ways, death comes suddenly to many.
My question would be, how many covid vaccines did he have? This most
essential question is the one that is never reported and which we are
not allowed to ask. What is certain is that he was not unvaxxed.
From the article:

"The tragedy comes as health experts have been urging Kiwis to be
aware of the risks of respiratory viruses over winter, including
influenza, Covid-19, RSV and rhinovirus, which causes the common cold.

While Covid-19 has become New Zealand's number one infectious-disease
killer, flu remained a major burden - accounting for about 2 percent
of deaths annually.

But flu-related deaths among younger, healthy people were highly
uncommon, with the vast proportion of mortalities annually reported
among our over-65 population.

In February, six residents of Whitianga Care Centre and Village died
within two weeks of each other during an outbreak of influenza A.

ESR surveillance showed national rates of influenza-like illness was
running at normal rates for the time of year, with A/H1N1 or "swine
flu" - a strain known to hit elderly people and young children
particularly hard - making up the bulk of sampled cases.

H1N1 was among the strains targeted by this year's flu vaccine, now
freely available to people over 65 and other higher-risk groups"

Despite your certainty, Willy Nilly, we do not know whether he had
received the flu vaccine or the Covid vaccine. We do know that New
Zealand is currently experiencing a large number of Covid and
influenza deaths.

I am not aware of any prohibition on asking about vaccination, but
privacy concerns may mean that you will not get an answer about an
individual that you do not know personally.
Willy Nilly
2024-07-01 03:24:36 UTC
Post by Rich80105
Post by Willy Nilly
"The tragedy comes as health experts have been urging Kiwis to be
aware of the risks of respiratory viruses over winter, including
influenza, Covid-19, RSV and rhinovirus, which causes the common cold.
"Health experts" are unfortunately the problem, not the solution.
They are still recommending the poison covid vaccines:

"Prioritising booster shots was also important, Baker said."

"Vaccination against Covid-19 is our first line of defence against the
virus," Hefford said. "We encourage people to ensure everyone in
their whanau keeps up to date with their Covid-19 vaccine ..."

Did you see the following absolutely scandalous article which wholly
misrepresents everything about vaccine injuries, calling them "long
covid" and giving outrageous misdiagnoses blaming peoples' immunity
systems for inappropriately reacting to various absurd stimuli -- when
the real reason is that they are vaccine injured -- not mentioned in
the article, of course. It's written by a couple of University of
Otago professors -- I would surely not want to attend that department:


It's too hard to summarise the nonsense from that article -- anyone is
free to read it and arch their eyebrows at the absurdities therein.

You seem to fancy yourself as an arbiter of disinformation and
misinformation, Rich. File this one away for future reference, for
the day when all this becomes clear and everyone will be looking back
in regret.
2024-07-01 03:41:20 UTC
Post by Willy Nilly
Post by Rich80105
Post by Willy Nilly
"The tragedy comes as health experts have been urging Kiwis to be
aware of the risks of respiratory viruses over winter, including
influenza, Covid-19, RSV and rhinovirus, which causes the common cold.
"Health experts" are unfortunately the problem, not the solution.
"Prioritising booster shots was also important, Baker said."
The facts relating to the rates of infection and death are not being
disputed, but the recommendations of professionals such as Baker for
prioritising vaccinations are supported by all parties in Parliament -
what do you expect to achieve from complaining to nz.general, Willy
Post by Willy Nilly
"Vaccination against Covid-19 is our first line of defence against the
virus," Hefford said. "We encourage people to ensure everyone in
their whanau keeps up to date with their Covid-19 vaccine ..."
Did you see the following absolutely scandalous article which wholly
misrepresents everything about vaccine injuries, calling them "long
covid" and giving outrageous misdiagnoses blaming peoples' immunity
systems for inappropriately reacting to various absurd stimuli -- when
the real reason is that they are vaccine injured -- not mentioned in
the article, of course. It's written by a couple of University of
Good. They may of course not want to you to attend either.
Post by Willy Nilly
It's too hard to summarise the nonsense from that article -- anyone is
free to read it and arch their eyebrows at the absurdities therein.
Or to take hope from the reality that with the support of medical and
scientific professionals, we will continue to learn and benefit from
that knowledge.
Post by Willy Nilly
You seem to fancy yourself as an arbiter of disinformation and
misinformation, Rich. File this one away for future reference, for
the day when all this becomes clear and everyone will be looking back
in regret.
It is becoming clear all the time, Willy Nilly - and showing that we
continue to be at risk from Covid and influenza, and that taking
sensible precautions is a good idea for all of us.
2024-07-01 05:03:12 UTC
Post by Rich80105
Post by Willy Nilly
Post by Rich80105
Post by Willy Nilly
"The tragedy comes as health experts have been urging Kiwis to be
aware of the risks of respiratory viruses over winter, including
influenza, Covid-19, RSV and rhinovirus, which causes the common cold.
"Health experts" are unfortunately the problem, not the solution.
"Prioritising booster shots was also important, Baker said."
The facts relating to the rates of infection and death are not being
disputed, but the recommendations of professionals such as Baker for
prioritising vaccinations are supported by all parties in Parliament -
what do you expect to achieve from complaining to nz.general, Willy
Post by Willy Nilly
"Vaccination against Covid-19 is our first line of defence against the
virus," Hefford said. "We encourage people to ensure everyone in
their whanau keeps up to date with their Covid-19 vaccine ..."
Did you see the following absolutely scandalous article which wholly
misrepresents everything about vaccine injuries, calling them "long
covid" and giving outrageous misdiagnoses blaming peoples' immunity
systems for inappropriately reacting to various absurd stimuli -- when
the real reason is that they are vaccine injured -- not mentioned in
the article, of course. It's written by a couple of University of
Good. They may of course not want to you to attend either.
Post by Willy Nilly
It's too hard to summarise the nonsense from that article -- anyone is
free to read it and arch their eyebrows at the absurdities therein.
Or to take hope from the reality that with the support of medical and
scientific professionals, we will continue to learn and benefit from
that knowledge.
Post by Willy Nilly
You seem to fancy yourself as an arbiter of disinformation and
misinformation, Rich. File this one away for future reference, for
the day when all this becomes clear and everyone will be looking back
in regret.
It is becoming clear all the time, Willy Nilly - and showing that we
continue to be at risk from Covid and influenza, and that taking
sensible precautions is a good idea for all of us.
Yes, by being transparent and having a look into the Covid vaccines.
2024-07-01 10:29:21 UTC
Post by Gordon
Post by Rich80105
Post by Willy Nilly
Post by Rich80105
Post by Willy Nilly
"The tragedy comes as health experts have been urging Kiwis to be
aware of the risks of respiratory viruses over winter, including
influenza, Covid-19, RSV and rhinovirus, which causes the common cold.
"Health experts" are unfortunately the problem, not the solution.
"Prioritising booster shots was also important, Baker said."
The facts relating to the rates of infection and death are not being
disputed, but the recommendations of professionals such as Baker for
prioritising vaccinations are supported by all parties in Parliament -
what do you expect to achieve from complaining to nz.general, Willy
Post by Willy Nilly
"Vaccination against Covid-19 is our first line of defence against the
virus," Hefford said. "We encourage people to ensure everyone in
their whanau keeps up to date with their Covid-19 vaccine ..."
Did you see the following absolutely scandalous article which wholly
misrepresents everything about vaccine injuries, calling them "long
covid" and giving outrageous misdiagnoses blaming peoples' immunity
systems for inappropriately reacting to various absurd stimuli -- when
the real reason is that they are vaccine injured -- not mentioned in
the article, of course. It's written by a couple of University of
Good. They may of course not want to you to attend either.
Post by Willy Nilly
It's too hard to summarise the nonsense from that article -- anyone is
free to read it and arch their eyebrows at the absurdities therein.
Or to take hope from the reality that with the support of medical and
scientific professionals, we will continue to learn and benefit from
that knowledge.
Post by Willy Nilly
You seem to fancy yourself as an arbiter of disinformation and
misinformation, Rich. File this one away for future reference, for
the day when all this becomes clear and everyone will be looking back
in regret.
It is becoming clear all the time, Willy Nilly - and showing that we
continue to be at risk from Covid and influenza, and that taking
sensible precautions is a good idea for all of us.
Yes, by being transparent and having a look into the Covid vaccines.
Who is not being transparent?
2024-07-01 20:14:52 UTC
Post by Rich80105
Post by Gordon
Post by Rich80105
Post by Willy Nilly
Post by Rich80105
Post by Willy Nilly
"The tragedy comes as health experts have been urging Kiwis to be
aware of the risks of respiratory viruses over winter, including
influenza, Covid-19, RSV and rhinovirus, which causes the common cold.
"Health experts" are unfortunately the problem, not the solution.
"Prioritising booster shots was also important, Baker said."
The facts relating to the rates of infection and death are not being
disputed, but the recommendations of professionals such as Baker for
prioritising vaccinations are supported by all parties in Parliament -
what do you expect to achieve from complaining to nz.general, Willy
Post by Willy Nilly
"Vaccination against Covid-19 is our first line of defence against the
virus," Hefford said. "We encourage people to ensure everyone in
their whanau keeps up to date with their Covid-19 vaccine ..."
Did you see the following absolutely scandalous article which wholly
misrepresents everything about vaccine injuries, calling them "long
covid" and giving outrageous misdiagnoses blaming peoples' immunity
systems for inappropriately reacting to various absurd stimuli -- when
the real reason is that they are vaccine injured -- not mentioned in
the article, of course. It's written by a couple of University of
Good. They may of course not want to you to attend either.
Post by Willy Nilly
It's too hard to summarise the nonsense from that article -- anyone is
free to read it and arch their eyebrows at the absurdities therein.
Or to take hope from the reality that with the support of medical and
scientific professionals, we will continue to learn and benefit from
that knowledge.
Post by Willy Nilly
You seem to fancy yourself as an arbiter of disinformation and
misinformation, Rich. File this one away for future reference, for
the day when all this becomes clear and everyone will be looking back
in regret.
It is becoming clear all the time, Willy Nilly - and showing that we
continue to be at risk from Covid and influenza, and that taking
sensible precautions is a good idea for all of us.
Yes, by being transparent and having a look into the Covid vaccines.
Who is not being transparent?
Once more you know the answer. Why ask an inane question?
2024-07-02 01:48:49 UTC
On Mon, 1 Jul 2024 20:14:52 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Rich80105
Post by Gordon
Post by Rich80105
Post by Willy Nilly
Post by Rich80105
Post by Willy Nilly
"The tragedy comes as health experts have been urging Kiwis to be
aware of the risks of respiratory viruses over winter, including
influenza, Covid-19, RSV and rhinovirus, which causes the common cold.
"Health experts" are unfortunately the problem, not the solution.
"Prioritising booster shots was also important, Baker said."
The facts relating to the rates of infection and death are not being
disputed, but the recommendations of professionals such as Baker for
prioritising vaccinations are supported by all parties in Parliament -
what do you expect to achieve from complaining to nz.general, Willy
Post by Willy Nilly
"Vaccination against Covid-19 is our first line of defence against the
virus," Hefford said. "We encourage people to ensure everyone in
their whanau keeps up to date with their Covid-19 vaccine ..."
Did you see the following absolutely scandalous article which wholly
misrepresents everything about vaccine injuries, calling them "long
covid" and giving outrageous misdiagnoses blaming peoples' immunity
systems for inappropriately reacting to various absurd stimuli -- when
the real reason is that they are vaccine injured -- not mentioned in
the article, of course. It's written by a couple of University of
Good. They may of course not want to you to attend either.
Post by Willy Nilly
It's too hard to summarise the nonsense from that article -- anyone is
free to read it and arch their eyebrows at the absurdities therein.
Or to take hope from the reality that with the support of medical and
scientific professionals, we will continue to learn and benefit from
that knowledge.
Post by Willy Nilly
You seem to fancy yourself as an arbiter of disinformation and
misinformation, Rich. File this one away for future reference, for
the day when all this becomes clear and everyone will be looking back
in regret.
It is becoming clear all the time, Willy Nilly - and showing that we
continue to be at risk from Covid and influenza, and that taking
sensible precautions is a good idea for all of us.
Yes, by being transparent and having a look into the Covid vaccines.
Who is not being transparent?
Once more you know the answer. Why ask an inane question?
I am touched by your faith that I have the answers to everything,
Tony, but I was asking Gordon who he believed was not being
transparent - I am sure it will not offend you to know that I did not
expect you to know what another poster meant by such a cryptic comment
- I did not see either the comment by Gordon or my response as being
inane; it is not really necessary for you to be gratuitously rude to
other posters all the time, Tony.
2024-07-02 02:36:28 UTC
Post by Rich80105
On Mon, 1 Jul 2024 20:14:52 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Rich80105
Post by Gordon
Post by Rich80105
Post by Willy Nilly
Post by Rich80105
Post by Willy Nilly
"The tragedy comes as health experts have been urging Kiwis to be
aware of the risks of respiratory viruses over winter, including
influenza, Covid-19, RSV and rhinovirus, which causes the common cold.
"Health experts" are unfortunately the problem, not the solution.
"Prioritising booster shots was also important, Baker said."
The facts relating to the rates of infection and death are not being
disputed, but the recommendations of professionals such as Baker for
prioritising vaccinations are supported by all parties in Parliament -
what do you expect to achieve from complaining to nz.general, Willy
Post by Willy Nilly
"Vaccination against Covid-19 is our first line of defence against the
virus," Hefford said. "We encourage people to ensure everyone in
their whanau keeps up to date with their Covid-19 vaccine ..."
Did you see the following absolutely scandalous article which wholly
misrepresents everything about vaccine injuries, calling them "long
covid" and giving outrageous misdiagnoses blaming peoples' immunity
systems for inappropriately reacting to various absurd stimuli -- when
the real reason is that they are vaccine injured -- not mentioned in
the article, of course. It's written by a couple of University of
Good. They may of course not want to you to attend either.
Post by Willy Nilly
It's too hard to summarise the nonsense from that article -- anyone is
free to read it and arch their eyebrows at the absurdities therein.
Or to take hope from the reality that with the support of medical and
scientific professionals, we will continue to learn and benefit from
that knowledge.
Post by Willy Nilly
You seem to fancy yourself as an arbiter of disinformation and
misinformation, Rich. File this one away for future reference, for
the day when all this becomes clear and everyone will be looking back
in regret.
It is becoming clear all the time, Willy Nilly - and showing that we
continue to be at risk from Covid and influenza, and that taking
sensible precautions is a good idea for all of us.
Yes, by being transparent and having a look into the Covid vaccines.
Who is not being transparent?
Once more you know the answer. Why ask an inane question?
I am touched by your faith that I have the answers to everything,
Tony, but I was asking Gordon who he believed was not being
transparent - I am sure it will not offend you to know that I did not
expect you to know what another poster meant by such a cryptic comment
- I did not see either the comment by Gordon or my response as being
inane; it is not really necessary for you to be gratuitously rude to
other posters all the time, Tony.
I was not rude to you or "another poster", I was telling the truth - you should
try it.

Willy Nilly
2024-07-01 23:56:55 UTC
Post by Rich80105
what do you expect to achieve from complaining to nz.general, Willy
Truth is its own reward, as a paid hack like you would not understand.
2024-07-01 05:00:29 UTC
Post by Rich80105
Post by Willy Nilly
Absolutely tragic and unbelievable. The heartbroken mother says
"As you can imagine we just don't understand and cannot believe he is
"We just don't understand how this can happen to a boy who was barely
ever sick and was very healthy".
"It is an incredibly hard and devastating time for us."
"Life will never be the same without my gorgeous 16-year-old boy."
The article makes no attempt to explain the death, and how could they?
This sort of thing is totally unprecedented -- or *was* unprecedented
before the covid vaccines. Now we have sudden inexplicable deaths all
the time. The vaccine undermines body vitality and immunity in a
thousand ways, death comes suddenly to many.
My question would be, how many covid vaccines did he have? This most
essential question is the one that is never reported and which we are
not allowed to ask. What is certain is that he was not unvaxxed.
"The tragedy comes as health experts have been urging Kiwis to be
aware of the risks of respiratory viruses over winter, including
influenza, Covid-19, RSV and rhinovirus, which causes the common cold.
While Covid-19 has become New Zealand's number one infectious-disease
killer, flu remained a major burden - accounting for about 2 percent
of deaths annually.
But flu-related deaths among younger, healthy people were highly
uncommon, with the vast proportion of mortalities annually reported
among our over-65 population.
All well and good. However it does not give proof beyond reasonable doubt
that this young man's death was not caused by the covid vaccine.

As the chances of the deaths from the flu are very small as you point out,
it makes it all important that the cause is known.

It could be the case of the flu alone but with these extra excess deaths we
need to have the question answered.
Post by Rich80105
In February, six residents of Whitianga Care Centre and Village died
within two weeks of each other during an outbreak of influenza A.
ESR surveillance showed national rates of influenza-like illness was
running at normal rates for the time of year, with A/H1N1 or "swine
flu" - a strain known to hit elderly people and young children
particularly hard - making up the bulk of sampled cases.
H1N1 was among the strains targeted by this year's flu vaccine, now
freely available to people over 65 and other higher-risk groups"
Despite your certainty, Willy Nilly, we do not know whether he had
received the flu vaccine or the Covid vaccine. We do know that New
Zealand is currently experiencing a large number of Covid and
influenza deaths.
I am not aware of any prohibition on asking about vaccination, but
privacy concerns may mean that you will not get an answer about an
individual that you do not know personally.
2024-07-01 10:27:53 UTC
Post by Gordon
Post by Rich80105
Post by Willy Nilly
Absolutely tragic and unbelievable. The heartbroken mother says
"As you can imagine we just don't understand and cannot believe he is
"We just don't understand how this can happen to a boy who was barely
ever sick and was very healthy".
"It is an incredibly hard and devastating time for us."
"Life will never be the same without my gorgeous 16-year-old boy."
The article makes no attempt to explain the death, and how could they?
This sort of thing is totally unprecedented -- or *was* unprecedented
before the covid vaccines. Now we have sudden inexplicable deaths all
the time. The vaccine undermines body vitality and immunity in a
thousand ways, death comes suddenly to many.
My question would be, how many covid vaccines did he have? This most
essential question is the one that is never reported and which we are
not allowed to ask. What is certain is that he was not unvaxxed.
"The tragedy comes as health experts have been urging Kiwis to be
aware of the risks of respiratory viruses over winter, including
influenza, Covid-19, RSV and rhinovirus, which causes the common cold.
While Covid-19 has become New Zealand's number one infectious-disease
killer, flu remained a major burden - accounting for about 2 percent
of deaths annually.
But flu-related deaths among younger, healthy people were highly
uncommon, with the vast proportion of mortalities annually reported
among our over-65 population.
All well and good. However it does not give proof beyond reasonable doubt
that this young man's death was not caused by the covid vaccine.
No it does not, and no-one has asserted that it does. With limited
information, we can only speculate, but we do have broad information
that suggests that there are alternative explanations . . .
Post by Gordon
As the chances of the deaths from the flu are very small as you point out,
it makes it all important that the cause is known.
It almost certainly will be known, just not by the press, and hence
not by most people in our population.
Post by Gordon
It could be the case of the flu alone but with these extra excess deaths we
need to have the question answered.
Extra "excess deaths"? What do you mean by that? All deaths are "in
excess of" staying alive . . .
Post by Gordon
Post by Rich80105
In February, six residents of Whitianga Care Centre and Village died
within two weeks of each other during an outbreak of influenza A.
ESR surveillance showed national rates of influenza-like illness was
running at normal rates for the time of year, with A/H1N1 or "swine
flu" - a strain known to hit elderly people and young children
particularly hard - making up the bulk of sampled cases.
H1N1 was among the strains targeted by this year's flu vaccine, now
freely available to people over 65 and other higher-risk groups"
Despite your certainty, Willy Nilly, we do not know whether he had
received the flu vaccine or the Covid vaccine. We do know that New
Zealand is currently experiencing a large number of Covid and
influenza deaths.
I am not aware of any prohibition on asking about vaccination, but
privacy concerns may mean that you will not get an answer about an
individual that you do not know personally.
2024-07-01 20:14:08 UTC
Post by Rich80105
Post by Gordon
Post by Rich80105
Post by Willy Nilly
Absolutely tragic and unbelievable. The heartbroken mother says
"As you can imagine we just don't understand and cannot believe he is
"We just don't understand how this can happen to a boy who was barely
ever sick and was very healthy".
"It is an incredibly hard and devastating time for us."
"Life will never be the same without my gorgeous 16-year-old boy."
The article makes no attempt to explain the death, and how could they?
This sort of thing is totally unprecedented -- or *was* unprecedented
before the covid vaccines. Now we have sudden inexplicable deaths all
the time. The vaccine undermines body vitality and immunity in a
thousand ways, death comes suddenly to many.
My question would be, how many covid vaccines did he have? This most
essential question is the one that is never reported and which we are
not allowed to ask. What is certain is that he was not unvaxxed.
"The tragedy comes as health experts have been urging Kiwis to be
aware of the risks of respiratory viruses over winter, including
influenza, Covid-19, RSV and rhinovirus, which causes the common cold.
While Covid-19 has become New Zealand's number one infectious-disease
killer, flu remained a major burden - accounting for about 2 percent
of deaths annually.
But flu-related deaths among younger, healthy people were highly
uncommon, with the vast proportion of mortalities annually reported
among our over-65 population.
All well and good. However it does not give proof beyond reasonable doubt
that this young man's death was not caused by the covid vaccine.
No it does not, and no-one has asserted that it does. With limited
information, we can only speculate, but we do have broad information
that suggests that there are alternative explanations . . .
Post by Gordon
As the chances of the deaths from the flu are very small as you point out,
it makes it all important that the cause is known.
It almost certainly will be known, just not by the press, and hence
not by most people in our population.
Post by Gordon
It could be the case of the flu alone but with these extra excess deaths we
need to have the question answered.
Extra "excess deaths"? What do you mean by that? All deaths are "in
excess of" staying alive . . .
You are pathetic, you know very well what Gordon meant. Why do you have to be
so obtuse?
You don't have to agree with Gordon but why do you dismiss him so nastily,
perhaps you have a sneaky belief that he might be correct???
Post by Rich80105
Post by Gordon
Post by Rich80105
In February, six residents of Whitianga Care Centre and Village died
within two weeks of each other during an outbreak of influenza A.
ESR surveillance showed national rates of influenza-like illness was
running at normal rates for the time of year, with A/H1N1 or "swine
flu" - a strain known to hit elderly people and young children
particularly hard - making up the bulk of sampled cases.
H1N1 was among the strains targeted by this year's flu vaccine, now
freely available to people over 65 and other higher-risk groups"
Despite your certainty, Willy Nilly, we do not know whether he had
received the flu vaccine or the Covid vaccine. We do know that New
Zealand is currently experiencing a large number of Covid and
influenza deaths.
I am not aware of any prohibition on asking about vaccination, but
privacy concerns may mean that you will not get an answer about an
individual that you do not know personally.
2024-07-02 01:34:04 UTC
On Mon, 1 Jul 2024 20:14:08 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Rich80105
Post by Gordon
Post by Rich80105
Post by Willy Nilly
Absolutely tragic and unbelievable. The heartbroken mother says
"As you can imagine we just don't understand and cannot believe he is
"We just don't understand how this can happen to a boy who was barely
ever sick and was very healthy".
"It is an incredibly hard and devastating time for us."
"Life will never be the same without my gorgeous 16-year-old boy."
The article makes no attempt to explain the death, and how could they?
This sort of thing is totally unprecedented -- or *was* unprecedented
before the covid vaccines. Now we have sudden inexplicable deaths all
the time. The vaccine undermines body vitality and immunity in a
thousand ways, death comes suddenly to many.
My question would be, how many covid vaccines did he have? This most
essential question is the one that is never reported and which we are
not allowed to ask. What is certain is that he was not unvaxxed.
"The tragedy comes as health experts have been urging Kiwis to be
aware of the risks of respiratory viruses over winter, including
influenza, Covid-19, RSV and rhinovirus, which causes the common cold.
While Covid-19 has become New Zealand's number one infectious-disease
killer, flu remained a major burden - accounting for about 2 percent
of deaths annually.
But flu-related deaths among younger, healthy people were highly
uncommon, with the vast proportion of mortalities annually reported
among our over-65 population.
All well and good. However it does not give proof beyond reasonable doubt
that this young man's death was not caused by the covid vaccine.
No it does not, and no-one has asserted that it does. With limited
information, we can only speculate, but we do have broad information
that suggests that there are alternative explanations . . .
Post by Gordon
As the chances of the deaths from the flu are very small as you point out,
it makes it all important that the cause is known.
It almost certainly will be known, just not by the press, and hence
not by most people in our population.
Post by Gordon
It could be the case of the flu alone but with these extra excess deaths we
need to have the question answered.
Extra "excess deaths"? What do you mean by that? All deaths are "in
excess of" staying alive . . .
You are pathetic, you know very well what Gordon meant. Why do you have to be
so obtuse?
You don't have to agree with Gordon but why do you dismiss him so nastily,
perhaps you have a sneaky belief that he might be correct???
There has today been a report that overall mortality rates for
Australia have dropped for the first time in many years, and that is
attributed to Covid deaths. Certainly Covid deaths have also increased
in New Zealand - currently they are around 5 a week, but I suspect it
may take a longer period of such deaths for overall NZ mortality rates
to be affected at all significantly There is however nothing to
indicate that our health system is not accurately attributing cause of
death, or that cause of death is being hidden for any reason.

To pretend that a generally acknowledged the reality of higher than
previous Covid deaths would somehow justify the cause of every
reported death being made public is however not rational. It is
possible that the call "we need to have the question answered" was an
attempt to accuse the government of a cover up - but there is no
evidence of any such instructions to the health system, and no
incentive for them to highlight problems with health services either .
. .

As to what Gordon meant, I am happy to leave that to him, Tony. You
could well do the same.
Post by Tony
Post by Rich80105
Post by Gordon
Post by Rich80105
In February, six residents of Whitianga Care Centre and Village died
within two weeks of each other during an outbreak of influenza A.
ESR surveillance showed national rates of influenza-like illness was
running at normal rates for the time of year, with A/H1N1 or "swine
flu" - a strain known to hit elderly people and young children
particularly hard - making up the bulk of sampled cases.
H1N1 was among the strains targeted by this year's flu vaccine, now
freely available to people over 65 and other higher-risk groups"
Despite your certainty, Willy Nilly, we do not know whether he had
received the flu vaccine or the Covid vaccine. We do know that New
Zealand is currently experiencing a large number of Covid and
influenza deaths.
I am not aware of any prohibition on asking about vaccination, but
privacy concerns may mean that you will not get an answer about an
individual that you do not know personally.
2024-07-02 02:35:15 UTC
Post by Rich80105
On Mon, 1 Jul 2024 20:14:08 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Rich80105
Post by Gordon
Post by Rich80105
Post by Willy Nilly
Absolutely tragic and unbelievable. The heartbroken mother says
"As you can imagine we just don't understand and cannot believe he is
"We just don't understand how this can happen to a boy who was barely
ever sick and was very healthy".
"It is an incredibly hard and devastating time for us."
"Life will never be the same without my gorgeous 16-year-old boy."
The article makes no attempt to explain the death, and how could they?
This sort of thing is totally unprecedented -- or *was* unprecedented
before the covid vaccines. Now we have sudden inexplicable deaths all
the time. The vaccine undermines body vitality and immunity in a
thousand ways, death comes suddenly to many.
My question would be, how many covid vaccines did he have? This most
essential question is the one that is never reported and which we are
not allowed to ask. What is certain is that he was not unvaxxed.
"The tragedy comes as health experts have been urging Kiwis to be
aware of the risks of respiratory viruses over winter, including
influenza, Covid-19, RSV and rhinovirus, which causes the common cold.
While Covid-19 has become New Zealand's number one infectious-disease
killer, flu remained a major burden - accounting for about 2 percent
of deaths annually.
But flu-related deaths among younger, healthy people were highly
uncommon, with the vast proportion of mortalities annually reported
among our over-65 population.
All well and good. However it does not give proof beyond reasonable doubt
that this young man's death was not caused by the covid vaccine.
No it does not, and no-one has asserted that it does. With limited
information, we can only speculate, but we do have broad information
that suggests that there are alternative explanations . . .
Post by Gordon
As the chances of the deaths from the flu are very small as you point out,
it makes it all important that the cause is known.
It almost certainly will be known, just not by the press, and hence
not by most people in our population.
Post by Gordon
It could be the case of the flu alone but with these extra excess deaths we
need to have the question answered.
Extra "excess deaths"? What do you mean by that? All deaths are "in
excess of" staying alive . . .
You are pathetic, you know very well what Gordon meant. Why do you have to be
so obtuse?
You don't have to agree with Gordon but why do you dismiss him so nastily,
perhaps you have a sneaky belief that he might be correct???
There has today been a report that overall mortality rates for
Australia have dropped for the first time in many years, and that is
attributed to Covid deaths. Certainly Covid deaths have also increased
in New Zealand - currently they are around 5 a week, but I suspect it
may take a longer period of such deaths for overall NZ mortality rates
to be affected at all significantly There is however nothing to
indicate that our health system is not accurately attributing cause of
death, or that cause of death is being hidden for any reason.
Perhaps they are and perhaps they are not, it would help if they produced the
raw data for others to analyse but thyey will not.
ANd before you become silly as usual, personal details will of course be
removed from such data.
Post by Rich80105
To pretend that a generally acknowledged the reality of higher than
previous Covid deaths would somehow justify the cause of every
reported death being made public is however not rational. It is
possible that the call "we need to have the question answered" was an
attempt to accuse the government of a cover up - but there is no
evidence of any such instructions to the health system, and no
incentive for them to highlight problems with health services either .
I made no such suggestion or pretence. That does not mean it is not possible
does it?
Post by Rich80105
. .
As to what Gordon meant, I am happy to leave that to him, Tony. You
could well do the same.
Except I am correct and you are a fool.
Post by Rich80105
Post by Tony
Post by Rich80105
Post by Gordon
Post by Rich80105
In February, six residents of Whitianga Care Centre and Village died
within two weeks of each other during an outbreak of influenza A.
ESR surveillance showed national rates of influenza-like illness was
running at normal rates for the time of year, with A/H1N1 or "swine
flu" - a strain known to hit elderly people and young children
particularly hard - making up the bulk of sampled cases.
H1N1 was among the strains targeted by this year's flu vaccine, now
freely available to people over 65 and other higher-risk groups"
Despite your certainty, Willy Nilly, we do not know whether he had
received the flu vaccine or the Covid vaccine. We do know that New
Zealand is currently experiencing a large number of Covid and
influenza deaths.
I am not aware of any prohibition on asking about vaccination, but
privacy concerns may mean that you will not get an answer about an
individual that you do not know personally.