Sober reading about tax and spend trends
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2024-10-17 04:49:53 UTC

Now I acknowledge that some part of this in inflation and also there
were pandemic costs, but the overall impression is that substantial
increases have occurred for both revenue and expenses. Note that my
take on stats that reference percentages are percentages of GDP.
Crash McBash
2024-10-17 20:09:46 UTC
Post by Crash
Now I acknowledge that some part of this in inflation and also there
were pandemic costs, but the overall impression is that substantial
increases have occurred for both revenue and expenses. Note that my
take on stats that reference percentages are percentages of GDP.
I am sure that they are carefully selected . . .

You mentioned Covid:
"Now defenders of the indefensible will cry “Covid” but that has
minimal impact on income, expenditure or the surplus in 2023/24. Any
temporary expenditure around Covid should have ended a couple of years

Of course even Farrar must know that the current government is
continuing spending on Covid vaccines. While the vaccines themselves
will be cheaper now that a few years ago, we are now on the sixth wave
of the pandemic, and are losing about 1000 lives a year, with
corresponding strain on our health systems.

I saw recently that average wages in the state sector have increased
as they got rid of workers in favour of retaining managers, and that
one of the departments with the highest average salary is the Ministry
of Regulations - has that department actually done anything yet?

I saw this recently:
"Using Fox News to support your arguments is like saying you’re a
marine biologist because you watch Sponge Bob Squarepants."

Perhaps Kiwiblog is similar to Fox News?
Actually I suspect Farrar is at lest relatively accurate about the
facts - he has just carefully chosen those that best reflect his aims
of supporting the ActNat1st government.
