The Next Pandemic, the plan
(too old to reply)
2024-08-01 00:11:08 UTC

Head to page 122 and start reading


"Mandatory measures are authorised by statute
Any action specified in this plan in relation to individuals, businesses
or other entities that includes the possibility of compulsory measures
being taken must be authorised by statute. The action is otherwise
likely to be unlawful and, in particular, might be contrary to the
New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.

Mandated measures may include:
• requirements for people to be tested, screened or vaccinated (may include arrivals
to New Zealand)
• quarantining or isolating people (ie, supporting those potentially exposed and those
with the disease in a quarantine or treatment/isolation facility (or at home) or
prohibiting them from leaving a particular facility/home)
• restricting the movement of people into or out of an area
• restricting travel (within or out of New Zealand)
• imposing a duty to supply information for risk assessment or contact tracing (eg,
future travel plans or past travel history)
• requirements for people to undergo preventive treatment
• requirements for people not to go to work or other public places or to do so only
under certain conditions
• commandeering of resources (eg, land, buildings or vehicles).


Does this seem like a repeat of 2020?

The second Royal Commission has not yet got started and yet we have all this
"bias" in place.

It does seem that we are deemed to repeat history. We all know how well the
pre 2019 plan was thrown away.
2024-08-01 00:43:28 UTC
Post by Gordon
Head to page 122 and start reading
"Mandatory measures are authorised by statute
Any action specified in this plan in relation to individuals, businesses
or other entities that includes the possibility of compulsory measures
being taken must be authorised by statute. The action is otherwise
likely to be unlawful and, in particular, might be contrary to the
New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.
• requirements for people to be tested, screened or vaccinated (may include
to New Zealand)
• quarantining or isolating people (ie, supporting those potentially exposed
and those
with the disease in a quarantine or treatment/isolation facility (or at home) or
prohibiting them from leaving a particular facility/home)
• restricting the movement of people into or out of an area
• restricting travel (within or out of New Zealand)
• imposing a duty to supply information for risk assessment or contact
tracing (eg,
future travel plans or past travel history)
• requirements for people to undergo preventive treatment
• requirements for people not to go to work or other public places or to do
so only
under certain conditions
• commandeering of resources (eg, land, buildings or vehicles).
Does this seem like a repeat of 2020?
The second Royal Commission has not yet got started and yet we have all this
"bias" in place.
It does seem that we are deemed to repeat history. We all know how well the
pre 2019 plan was thrown away.
Those that sought and installed the failed mandates last time are simply
digging in. They, however, are ignoring the global groundswell of informed
opinion that says that those mandates were not merely wrong but actually did
harm at an international level.
2024-08-01 01:06:19 UTC
On Thu, 1 Aug 2024 00:43:28 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Gordon
Head to page 122 and start reading
"Mandatory measures are authorised by statute
Any action specified in this plan in relation to individuals, businesses
or other entities that includes the possibility of compulsory measures
being taken must be authorised by statute. The action is otherwise
likely to be unlawful and, in particular, might be contrary to the
New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.
• requirements for people to be tested, screened or vaccinated (may include arrivals
to New Zealand)
• quarantining or isolating people (ie, supporting those potentially exposed and those
with the disease in a quarantine or treatment/isolation facility (or at home) or
prohibiting them from leaving a particular facility/home)
• restricting the movement of people into or out of an area
• restricting travel (within or out of New Zealand)
• imposing a duty to supply information for risk assessment or contact tracing (eg,
future travel plans or past travel history)
• requirements for people to undergo preventive treatment
• requirements for people not to go to work or other public places or to do so only
under certain conditions
• commandeering of resources (eg, land, buildings or vehicles).
Does this seem like a repeat of 2020?
The second Royal Commission has not yet got started and yet we have all this
"bias" in place.
It does seem that we are deemed to repeat history. We all know how well the
pre 2019 plan was thrown away.
Those that sought and installed the failed mandates last time are simply
digging in. They, however, are ignoring the global groundswell of informed
opinion that says that those mandates were not merely wrong but actually did
harm at an international level.
The current plan will have been approved by the current government,
Tony. What would you want to change?
2024-08-01 07:38:07 UTC
Post by Rich80105
On Thu, 1 Aug 2024 00:43:28 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Gordon
Head to page 122 and start reading
"Mandatory measures are authorised by statute
Any action specified in this plan in relation to individuals, businesses
or other entities that includes the possibility of compulsory measures
being taken must be authorised by statute. The action is otherwise
likely to be unlawful and, in particular, might be contrary to the
New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.
• requirements for people to be tested, screened or vaccinated (may include
to New Zealand)
• quarantining or isolating people (ie, supporting those potentially exposed
and those
with the disease in a quarantine or treatment/isolation facility (or at
prohibiting them from leaving a particular facility/home)
• restricting the movement of people into or out of an area
• restricting travel (within or out of New Zealand)
• imposing a duty to supply information for risk assessment or contact
tracing (eg,
future travel plans or past travel history)
• requirements for people to undergo preventive treatment
• requirements for people not to go to work or other public places or to do
so only
under certain conditions
• commandeering of resources (eg, land, buildings or vehicles).
Does this seem like a repeat of 2020?
The second Royal Commission has not yet got started and yet we have all this
"bias" in place.
It does seem that we are deemed to repeat history. We all know how well the
pre 2019 plan was thrown away.
Those that sought and installed the failed mandates last time are simply
digging in. They, however, are ignoring the global groundswell of informed
opinion that says that those mandates were not merely wrong but actually did
harm at an international level.
The current plan will have been approved by the current government,
Tony. What would you want to change?
Not what I referred to. A different topic.
2024-08-01 21:25:02 UTC
On Thu, 1 Aug 2024 07:38:07 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Rich80105
On Thu, 1 Aug 2024 00:43:28 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Gordon
Head to page 122 and start reading
"Mandatory measures are authorised by statute
Any action specified in this plan in relation to individuals, businesses
or other entities that includes the possibility of compulsory measures
being taken must be authorised by statute. The action is otherwise
likely to be unlawful and, in particular, might be contrary to the
New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.
• requirements for people to be tested, screened or vaccinated (may
to New Zealand)
• quarantining or isolating people (ie, supporting those potentially
and those
with the disease in a quarantine or treatment/isolation facility (or at
prohibiting them from leaving a particular facility/home)
• restricting the movement of people into or out of an area
• restricting travel (within or out of New Zealand)
• imposing a duty to supply information for risk assessment or contact tracing (eg,
future travel plans or past travel history)
• requirements for people to undergo preventive treatment
• requirements for people not to go to work or other public places or to
so only
under certain conditions
• commandeering of resources (eg, land, buildings or vehicles).
Does this seem like a repeat of 2020?
The second Royal Commission has not yet got started and yet we have all this
"bias" in place.
It does seem that we are deemed to repeat history. We all know how well the
pre 2019 plan was thrown away.
Those that sought and installed the failed mandates last time are simply
digging in. They, however, are ignoring the global groundswell of informed
opinion that says that those mandates were not merely wrong but actually did
harm at an international level.
The current plan will have been approved by the current government,
Tony. What would you want to change?
Not what I referred to. A different topic.
The Subject is "The Next Pandemic, the plan"
The plan has been published; Gordon gave the link. Do you have any
problems with that plan, Tony?
2024-08-01 22:08:53 UTC
Post by Rich80105
On Thu, 1 Aug 2024 07:38:07 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Rich80105
On Thu, 1 Aug 2024 00:43:28 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Gordon
Head to page 122 and start reading
"Mandatory measures are authorised by statute
Any action specified in this plan in relation to individuals, businesses
or other entities that includes the possibility of compulsory measures
being taken must be authorised by statute. The action is otherwise
likely to be unlawful and, in particular, might be contrary to the
New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.
• requirements for people to be tested, screened or vaccinated (may include
to New Zealand)
• quarantining or isolating people (ie, supporting those potentially exposed
and those
with the disease in a quarantine or treatment/isolation facility (or at
prohibiting them from leaving a particular facility/home)
• restricting the movement of people into or out of an area
• restricting travel (within or out of New Zealand)
• imposing a duty to supply information for risk assessment or contact
tracing (eg,
future travel plans or past travel history)
• requirements for people to undergo preventive treatment
• requirements for people not to go to work or other public places or to do
so only
under certain conditions
• commandeering of resources (eg, land, buildings or vehicles).
Does this seem like a repeat of 2020?
The second Royal Commission has not yet got started and yet we have all this
"bias" in place.
It does seem that we are deemed to repeat history. We all know how well the
pre 2019 plan was thrown away.
Those that sought and installed the failed mandates last time are simply
digging in. They, however, are ignoring the global groundswell of informed
opinion that says that those mandates were not merely wrong but actually did
harm at an international level.
The current plan will have been approved by the current government,
Tony. What would you want to change?
Not what I referred to. A different topic.
The Subject is "The Next Pandemic, the plan"
The plan has been published; Gordon gave the link. Do you have any
problems with that plan, Tony?
You are silly. That is not the topic, the topic is too subtle for your brute
forcc mind.
2024-08-02 02:51:30 UTC
On Thu, 1 Aug 2024 22:08:53 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Rich80105
On Thu, 1 Aug 2024 07:38:07 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Rich80105
On Thu, 1 Aug 2024 00:43:28 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Gordon
Head to page 122 and start reading
"Mandatory measures are authorised by statute
Any action specified in this plan in relation to individuals, businesses
or other entities that includes the possibility of compulsory measures
being taken must be authorised by statute. The action is otherwise
likely to be unlawful and, in particular, might be contrary to the
New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.
• requirements for people to be tested, screened or vaccinated (may
to New Zealand)
• quarantining or isolating people (ie, supporting those potentially
and those
with the disease in a quarantine or treatment/isolation facility (or at
prohibiting them from leaving a particular facility/home)
• restricting the movement of people into or out of an area
• restricting travel (within or out of New Zealand)
• imposing a duty to supply information for risk assessment or contact
tracing (eg,
future travel plans or past travel history)
• requirements for people to undergo preventive treatment
• requirements for people not to go to work or other public places or to
so only
under certain conditions
• commandeering of resources (eg, land, buildings or vehicles).
Does this seem like a repeat of 2020?
The second Royal Commission has not yet got started and yet we have all this
"bias" in place.
It does seem that we are deemed to repeat history. We all know how well the
pre 2019 plan was thrown away.
Those that sought and installed the failed mandates last time are simply
digging in. They, however, are ignoring the global groundswell of informed
opinion that says that those mandates were not merely wrong but actually did
harm at an international level.
The current plan will have been approved by the current government,
Tony. What would you want to change?
Not what I referred to. A different topic.
The Subject is "The Next Pandemic, the plan"
The plan has been published; Gordon gave the link. Do you have any
problems with that plan, Tony?
You are silly. That is not the topic, the topic is too subtle for your brute
forcc mind.
So now you are trying to avoid the topic in a thread in which you were
not the op - sorry Tony you cannot have it both ways - Gordon made it
clear the subject is the plan issued under this Government. It rightly
acknowledges the good work done at the height of the Covid-19
pandemic, and the need for us to be better prepared and to retain
similar legal provisions in readiness for the possibility of another
viral pandemic.
2024-08-02 03:58:46 UTC
Post by Rich80105
On Thu, 1 Aug 2024 22:08:53 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Rich80105
On Thu, 1 Aug 2024 07:38:07 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Rich80105
On Thu, 1 Aug 2024 00:43:28 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Gordon
Head to page 122 and start reading
"Mandatory measures are authorised by statute
Any action specified in this plan in relation to individuals, businesses
or other entities that includes the possibility of compulsory measures
being taken must be authorised by statute. The action is otherwise
likely to be unlawful and, in particular, might be contrary to the
New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.
• requirements for people to be tested, screened or vaccinated (may include
to New Zealand)
• quarantining or isolating people (ie, supporting those potentially exposed
and those
with the disease in a quarantine or treatment/isolation facility (or at
prohibiting them from leaving a particular facility/home)
• restricting the movement of people into or out of an area
• restricting travel (within or out of New Zealand)
• imposing a duty to supply information for risk assessment or contact
tracing (eg,
future travel plans or past travel history)
• requirements for people to undergo preventive treatment
• requirements for people not to go to work or other public places or
so only
under certain conditions
• commandeering of resources (eg, land, buildings or vehicles).
Does this seem like a repeat of 2020?
The second Royal Commission has not yet got started and yet we have all this
"bias" in place.
It does seem that we are deemed to repeat history. We all know how well the
pre 2019 plan was thrown away.
Those that sought and installed the failed mandates last time are simply
digging in. They, however, are ignoring the global groundswell of informed
opinion that says that those mandates were not merely wrong but actually did
harm at an international level.
The current plan will have been approved by the current government,
Tony. What would you want to change?
Not what I referred to. A different topic.
The Subject is "The Next Pandemic, the plan"
The plan has been published; Gordon gave the link. Do you have any
problems with that plan, Tony?
You are silly. That is not the topic, the topic is too subtle for your brute
forcc mind.
So now you are trying to avoid the topic in a thread in which you were
not the op - sorry Tony you cannot have it both ways - Gordon made it
clear the subject is the plan issued under this Government. It rightly
acknowledges the good work done at the height of the Covid-19
pandemic, and the need for us to be better prepared and to retain
similar legal provisions in readiness for the possibility of another
viral pandemic.
You are stupid. The title was irony, now please go away and sit in your dunces
2024-08-02 10:45:22 UTC
On Fri, 2 Aug 2024 03:58:46 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Rich80105
On Thu, 1 Aug 2024 22:08:53 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Rich80105
On Thu, 1 Aug 2024 07:38:07 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Rich80105
On Thu, 1 Aug 2024 00:43:28 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Gordon
Head to page 122 and start reading
"Mandatory measures are authorised by statute
Any action specified in this plan in relation to individuals, businesses
or other entities that includes the possibility of compulsory measures
being taken must be authorised by statute. The action is otherwise
likely to be unlawful and, in particular, might be contrary to the
New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.
• requirements for people to be tested, screened or vaccinated (may
to New Zealand)
• quarantining or isolating people (ie, supporting those potentially
and those
with the disease in a quarantine or treatment/isolation facility (or at
prohibiting them from leaving a particular facility/home)
• restricting the movement of people into or out of an area
• restricting travel (within or out of New Zealand)
• imposing a duty to supply information for risk assessment or contact
tracing (eg,
future travel plans or past travel history)
• requirements for people to undergo preventive treatment
• requirements for people not to go to work or other public places or to
so only
under certain conditions
• commandeering of resources (eg, land, buildings or vehicles).
Does this seem like a repeat of 2020?
The second Royal Commission has not yet got started and yet we have all this
"bias" in place.
It does seem that we are deemed to repeat history. We all know how well the
pre 2019 plan was thrown away.
Those that sought and installed the failed mandates last time are simply
digging in. They, however, are ignoring the global groundswell of informed
opinion that says that those mandates were not merely wrong but actually did
harm at an international level.
The current plan will have been approved by the current government,
Tony. What would you want to change?
Not what I referred to. A different topic.
The Subject is "The Next Pandemic, the plan"
The plan has been published; Gordon gave the link. Do you have any
problems with that plan, Tony?
You are silly. That is not the topic, the topic is too subtle for your brute
forcc mind.
So now you are trying to avoid the topic in a thread in which you were
not the op - sorry Tony you cannot have it both ways - Gordon made it
clear the subject is the plan issued under this Government. It rightly
acknowledges the good work done at the height of the Covid-19
pandemic, and the need for us to be better prepared and to retain
similar legal provisions in readiness for the possibility of another
viral pandemic.
You are stupid. The title was irony, now please go away and sit in your dunces
It is a real plan agreed by our Government for The Next Pandemic.
Where is the irony, Tony? Have the government got it right? Or Wrong?
2024-08-02 20:08:02 UTC
Post by Rich80105
On Fri, 2 Aug 2024 03:58:46 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Rich80105
On Thu, 1 Aug 2024 22:08:53 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Rich80105
On Thu, 1 Aug 2024 07:38:07 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Rich80105
On Thu, 1 Aug 2024 00:43:28 -0000 (UTC), Tony
Post by Tony
Post by Gordon
Head to page 122 and start reading
"Mandatory measures are authorised by statute
Any action specified in this plan in relation to individuals, businesses
or other entities that includes the possibility of compulsory measures
being taken must be authorised by statute. The action is otherwise
likely to be unlawful and, in particular, might be contrary to the
New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.
• requirements for people to be tested, screened or vaccinated (may
to New Zealand)
• quarantining or isolating people (ie, supporting those potentially
and those
with the disease in a quarantine or treatment/isolation facility (or at
prohibiting them from leaving a particular facility/home)
• restricting the movement of people into or out of an area
• restricting travel (within or out of New Zealand)
• imposing a duty to supply information for risk assessment or contact
tracing (eg,
future travel plans or past travel history)
• requirements for people to undergo preventive treatment
• requirements for people not to go to work or other public places or
so only
under certain conditions
• commandeering of resources (eg, land, buildings or vehicles).
Does this seem like a repeat of 2020?
The second Royal Commission has not yet got started and yet we have
"bias" in place.
It does seem that we are deemed to repeat history. We all know how
pre 2019 plan was thrown away.
Those that sought and installed the failed mandates last time are simply
digging in. They, however, are ignoring the global groundswell of informed
opinion that says that those mandates were not merely wrong but
harm at an international level.
The current plan will have been approved by the current government,
Tony. What would you want to change?
Not what I referred to. A different topic.
The Subject is "The Next Pandemic, the plan"
The plan has been published; Gordon gave the link. Do you have any
problems with that plan, Tony?
You are silly. That is not the topic, the topic is too subtle for your brute
forcc mind.
So now you are trying to avoid the topic in a thread in which you were
not the op - sorry Tony you cannot have it both ways - Gordon made it
clear the subject is the plan issued under this Government. It rightly
acknowledges the good work done at the height of the Covid-19
pandemic, and the need for us to be better prepared and to retain
similar legal provisions in readiness for the possibility of another
viral pandemic.
You are stupid. The title was irony, now please go away and sit in your dunces
It is a real plan agreed by our Government for The Next Pandemic.
Where is the irony, Tony? Have the government got it right? Or Wrong?
The entire OP was actually irony - look it up!

2024-08-01 01:02:36 UTC
Post by Gordon
Head to page 122 and start reading
"Mandatory measures are authorised by statute
Any action specified in this plan in relation to individuals, businesses
or other entities that includes the possibility of compulsory measures
being taken must be authorised by statute. The action is otherwise
likely to be unlawful and, in particular, might be contrary to the
New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.
• requirements for people to be tested, screened or vaccinated (may include arrivals
to New Zealand)
• quarantining or isolating people (ie, supporting those potentially exposed and those
with the disease in a quarantine or treatment/isolation facility (or at home) or
prohibiting them from leaving a particular facility/home)
• restricting the movement of people into or out of an area
• restricting travel (within or out of New Zealand)
• imposing a duty to supply information for risk assessment or contact tracing (eg,
future travel plans or past travel history)
• requirements for people to undergo preventive treatment
• requirements for people not to go to work or other public places or to do so only
under certain conditions
• commandeering of resources (eg, land, buildings or vehicles).
Does this seem like a repeat of 2020?
The second Royal Commission has not yet got started and yet we have all this
"bias" in place.
It does seem that we are deemed to repeat history. We all know how well the
pre 2019 plan was thrown away.
I agree that there is still a lot of "bias" - as the report said on
page 10 ("Impacts of the Covid-19 and 1918 pandemics on New Zealand")

"While the direct and indirect health impacts of the pandemic were
significant, the response measures implemented to save lives and
preserve health system functionality themselves caused major
disruption to almost every sphere of social and economic activity in
New Zealand. The provision of financial support to adversely affected
individuals and businesses proved crucial to supporting adherence with
public health and social measures. However, in some segments of
society, over time, misinformation and disinformation contributed to
distrust in public health measures. The importance of measures to
build and maintain public trust and confidence cannot be
overestimated. "

That misinformation and disinformation was fostered by the then
Opposition political parties, and picked up by lot of people for both
political reasons and because they genuinely believed that
misinformation. Such "personal propaganda" had been led by the
election campaigning tactics of Trump; and picked up by "Dirty
Politics" style bloggers such as Cam Slater, David Farrar, but this
time led by the NZ Taxpayer Union and fostered to the parliamentary
"protest" by numerous other individuals and short lived groups, often
on the pretext of Freedom" - meaning freedom to believe nutty
propaganda. It is no surprise that one poster to nz.general posted a
link to yet another Cam Slater website recently . . .

But as far as the Pandemic Plan is concerned, This has been issued
this year under the NAct1st coalition government, led by C Luxon. It
would not have been issued if it had not been agreed by the
appropriate Ministers - it is one thing to encourage stupidity and
misunderstandings when in Opposition, but harder to acknowledge that
stupidity when in Government.

If there is another pandemic, let us hope that we do repeat history -
why would a government want to act contrary to a world leading lower
level of deaths than other countries experienced in that world-wide