Lowering morale
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2024-10-11 21:37:33 UTC

There are several points here. Apart from the article that seems to not be
sure what the Hospital Board is asking for. Still this is reported by a
money correspondent which is only part of the issues.

Yes leave is important, yes people who build up leave should be encouraged
to take leave.

The hospitals should have enough staff to allow other staff to go on leave
with feeling they are letting their peers down. (Read enough money to pay
for all the staff requred)

A hospital is a 365 day, 24 hour a day operation.

I wonder if the e-mail was one of those "out of the blue" communications.
The one that have no warning and have a commanding tone.

If so, it is a great way to lower the morale of the workers in a essesntial

This reflect bably on the management who should not suddenly find the bean
counters demanding that they save money by removing the liability of unpaid

The major resource of a hospital is its staff. Not a good idea to treat them
as anything like important.
2024-10-12 10:02:11 UTC
Post by Gordon
There are several points here. Apart from the article that seems to not be
sure what the Hospital Board is asking for. Still this is reported by a
money correspondent which is only part of the issues.
Yes leave is important, yes people who build up leave should be encouraged
to take leave.
The hospitals should have enough staff to allow other staff to go on leave
with feeling they are letting their peers down. (Read enough money to pay
for all the staff requred)
A hospital is a 365 day, 24 hour a day operation.
I wonder if the e-mail was one of those "out of the blue" communications.
The one that have no warning and have a commanding tone.
If so, it is a great way to lower the morale of the workers in a essesntial
This reflect bably on the management who should not suddenly find the bean
counters demanding that they save money by removing the liability of unpaid
The major resource of a hospital is its staff. Not a good idea to treat them
as anything like important.
I was astonished at the claim that staff would be required to take
unpaid leave if they do not have enough leave to cover the time
period. I know that staff can be compelled to take leave when their
entitlement is getting too high, but I have never heard that staff can
be compelled to take unpaid leave. This is nonsensical.
Crash McBash